Monday, July 2, 2012

Half the year gone!!!

Today at 12 noon officially  half the year will be gone... Wow how time flies!!!  Undoubtily we have all had good times and bad times. We all can look back and say, maybe I could have done that different, maybe I could have said that different. All of us have things we wish we could take back no matter how small the issue was.  Was is the key word.... It is in the past, take this time now to look at the future. You have a half of a year left to make an impact on your family and the people around you.  How about the next time someone makes you mad instead of saying something you will regret you walk away... instead of getting road rage you take some deep breaths and slow down...instead of keeping all of your time to yourself you put down the remote and help a neighbor that needs it!! We all have a half a year to make a final impact on 2012, will you take this opportunity to turn this year around and end it with a bang?

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