Friday, July 20, 2012

Are you ready?

Have you ever felt like I could do more but you don't know what that is. You start praying and something hits you like a ton of bricks. So you hook up with some people and start doing what you felt like what the Lord said to do but there is this feeling.... I feel like I got more. God has out people in our lives to help get us closer to him but what's to say we don't progress faster than that person. What happens if we rely so much on the person helping us that we don't reach our full potential in our own lives? This can be very frustrating!!! You don't feel like you are ready but you know you could do more. Then when you finally step out on faith woooo what a climb up that mountain!!! It seems lime everything is going against you. Everywhere you turn something is going on and you start second guessing what God called you to do. You know God never said it would be easy, he never said it wouldn't take time. What I can tell you that you are there for a reason whether you know it or not. He did not put you there to sit in a recliner but to weed the garden. He knows what you have in you even when you don't think so!!!!!!! So stop sweating the small stuff and start thanking God for everything that you do have !!!

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