Thursday, July 5, 2012

Do you act like a Christian?

You know this would seem like a pretty simple question at first. If you are a Christian you try to act like one but how is one suppose to act? Unfortunately looking at it from a worldly stand point Christians in general are condescending. We are always looking at the bad and quick to condemn someone when they do something wrong. This is the exact opposite of what we are suppose to act like!!! Like we haven't ever done something wrong that we regret but boy don't let someone in the church do something wrong... Boy when that happens we are all over it, quick to judge, quick to talk about them, quick to be anything but Christian. I hate to sound cliche, but WWJD... We should ask ourselves this question every time before we open our mouths. Would Jesus do that? Would Jesus say that? Would Jesus listen to that? Would Jesus watch that? I hear so many churches talking about how to get more people in the door and get their name out there but really, who would want to be a Christian and go to church when they see what the people are really like. They see people talking about coworkers on the job, other church members at lunch and the pastor at church!!! I wouldn't want to go to church if this is what I saw looking in for the first time. This means you cant just be a Christian on Sunday morning for that one hour. You have to be a Christian in everything you say and do!!!!  How can we expect someone to want to become a Christian if we can't practice what we preach?

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