Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The apostles had a degree??????

You know so many times as Christians  trying to strive towards Jesus we get discouraged because of the people around us. Me for example, I don't have any schooling like allot of the pastors that I know. I don't have all the time in either but I feel a strong call that the Lord has put on my heart and I won't let a piece of paper hold me back from doing what the Lord has called me to do. We should not feel down because we don't have degrees like other people. God has called us to do his will and it doesn't matter if we have a piece of paper hanging up or not. As long as we are doing his will everything will work itself out. God has many ways to get us where we need to be in our own way and time. If you still think this is not true think about this, did any of the apostles have a degree? Did Abraham? Moses?  The apostles didn't have the luxury of Jesus sitting behind a desk and putting everything he said on a blackboard.  They didn't have to make sure that they were in class twice a week for 2 hours to make sure that they got the credit. They were called to do very specific things for the Lord and got real world training!!! Just think how much different the Bible would be if instead of seeing all the wonderful miracles that Jesus did they just heard him talk about it and had some pictures. So my reason for all this is to let you know not to let yourself be discouraged!!! Don't let the intimidation take over but instead take the work that God has laid on your heart and run with it!!!! He will do great things in those who listen!!!

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