Saturday, July 28, 2012

Do You Represent Christ?

Looking back on the past week man I am glad it is over. It just seemed like everything that I did either messed up or cost more money. We all have weeks like that, thinking will we ever get past this or good grief can anything else really happen. But if we really look at what we are going through it is is minor compared to most things we could think of in this world or read in the Bible. I mean lets really look at it, Job for instance, lost EVERYTHING!!!!! Not just something, not just a couple of things but everything that he held dear. So now how does your problem compare? Not even close right?  Just think how mad you got, how frustrated, the things you said over things (for the most part) you wont remember in a year. Was it really worth the headache or what happened for something that when you look over your life really doesn't mean that much. NOPE!!!! It is hard to see that when it is all going on but hind site is 20/20.  As Christians we need to remember the way that we act (even when we think no one is looking) should be a direct reflection of Jesus. Yes this is hard sometimes especially in the world that we live in today but what do other people think when they see us do that or say that? Why would they want to be a Christian if you act the same way that they do? What do you think it looks like when you like a picture on facebook that has profanity on it? Yes whether we like it or not as a Christian we are under a microscope and we should take more pride in who we are and who we are suppose to represent!!!!

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