Monday, July 23, 2012


You know we all have good days and bad day... But as Christians it is our responsibility to try as hard as we can to look past what we have going on and encourage everyone else. Just think when we are having a hard time we have people that can be there for us and Jesus that loves us no matter what. For everyone else if they don't know about Jesus or have just gotten away from God they don't have that piece of mind. They don't have the right people in their lives to help them the right way and really don't have a close enough relationship with God to feel comfortable talking to him. That's where we come in.... how awesome would it be if you are there at the right time, the right place and what happens if your not right with God to give them the word that they need. Wouldn't that stink!!!! To leave and know you could have done more, you could have said something different, you could have changed the way they think about God.  Don't let that be you!!! Do your studying... your praying....involve yourself in church more that the hour on Sunday and Wednesday!!!!! And just think if you do this you might be able to make that mark that helps lead someone in the right direction! So for the question.... has God put that person in your walk that you were able to help? If not ask yourself this question.... Are you doing your due diligence for God to even put that person in your walk??

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