Friday, May 25, 2012

Man don't we have it easy!!!!

I was listening to a podcast from Mark Driscoll this morning and some stuff really struck me. He was speaking in Turkey to one of the few churches that are still there. What really stuck out was as Americans we take so much for granted. Overall you can find a job, plenty of restraunts,  so many different activities and a church practically on every corner. When he was done with his service he was approached by a young turkish man who was in tears. He had been a Christian for awhile and knew that God was calling him to be a pastor and plant a church. He was in tears because for his culture, just being a Christian you were outcast from your family. Cut off from the family money and possibly killed. All the things we worry about, where are we going to eat tonight, what are we going to do and this man in Christ has to worry about if he is going to be killed!! There are going to be very few times in our lives in America that we would have to even come close to feeling like that. We have it so easy!!! Just think what he would think if he came over here and saw the little things we fight about and bicker over when right now he is watching his back just to say the Lord's name. How about we take the time to step back and relize how easy we do have it and step up for the Lord and let the world see it!!!!

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