Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Are you really happy?

Pretty obvious question to start off but it is more than meets the eye. Most of us think happy is having a big house, driving a nice car or having the newest or best thing. So out of all those things are you really happy? For a long time I thought it did. I worked 2 jobs, was never home but made pretty good money and I thought that was what I was suppose to do. As a father be able to give my kids what I didn't have and my wife be able to shop when ever she wanted. It was all good but we always wanted something more, something new came out that we had to have and now looking back on it I really don't have alot to show for all of those years. I thought I was happy but figured out that I could buy everything in the world and it was "nice" but I wasn't truly happy. I worked all the time, didn't really see my kids and even when I was home I was working. I started going to school for ministry but had to quit becuase I couldn't juggle that and work. My job didn't allow me to be in church as much as I would have liked.
      So I quit my job, very hard descision being it goes against everything we are taught as men. To provide for your family!!! I was wanting to get more in the word and leading up to making that descision I finally relized that there is more to being happy for you and your family than making money. All the time I thought giving my wife and kids things made them happy but for the kids most of all they only wanted me.  They wanted me to be home, spend time, play, or just hang out. All those years of putting up with jobs that I eventually hated and didn't allow me to go to church my family wanted me. So I ask the question again, are you really happy? Do you like your job or is it a product of what you think makes you happy? Is everything you do in a day really make you happy or do you do it becuase it is the normal thing to do. People look at me funny sometimes because we don't have money like we use to and sometimes I did in some ways wish I did. I see so many people that need help and we just get by. But I can tell you one thing I am happier now than I have ever been in my life. I don't care about money like I use to, I relized my kids like the newest stuff but they are fine with the normal things, and I am back in school for ministry. How much better can you get than a family that loves you and you love what you are doing. I am in church everytime the doors open, run the board and help whenever needed. My open schedule allows me to help when most people can't because they do have normal jobs. 
        So are you really happy? Do you like who YOU are? Just like my kids just wanted me this is all God wants. To have a personal relationship with you. He doesn't care how much money you make, the house you live in or the car you drive, he cares about you!!! Are you just going through life working a job that you don't like and doing the normal thing because that is what everyone else does or are you doing what God called you to do? He wants us to be happy and I can tell you once you get there it doesn't matter what people think or say!! We are always as people so worried about what everyone thinks instead of looking at what God thinks. We all have a purpose and once we figure that out we will but truly happy.

1 comment:

  1. Happiness is one of those "things" that many search for, and many thing they've found. The problem with happiness is that it is like a feeling, and based on a person's immediately circumstances and surroundings. Happiness comes and goes based on what's going on. Too many times I've been happy one minute, then one thing happens, and my happiness disappears.

    On the other hand, joy is better. Joy is not a feeling, but a state of mind. Joy can be found even in the darkness of times; like when Paul and Silas sang praises to God while in the inner prison. I bet that they weren't happy, but they were joyous.

    Joy is greater than happiness, and we obtain that joy based on knowing what Jesus did for us and that God loves us so much. Joy can also be found in knowing that we are following the leading of God; doing what he wants for us. So, if we're following God and bringing him joy, then we have joy, and as Nehemiah 8:10 ends, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

    Kind of a long comment, but wanted to share a few thoughts.
