Saturday, May 19, 2012

What are we doing? (part 2)

Group Level

I have seen this in almost all ministries in general. So when someone starts a ministry, everyone has the best intentions on what they could do or what they could accomplish. But like most ministries that are starting out that drops off pretty quick in participation and drive. We all know of all kinds of ministries that have been doing the same thing for 10 years and nothing really changes. If God wanted us to be like everyone else he would have made us like that. He was not mediocre so why are we so content with being mediocre? Just like the pastor has been trying to reiterate lately we are LIFE GIVERS we are suppose to be giving life!!!   I mean let’s just put it out there, is everyone really content in coming here every two months hearing a word, eating and leaving about our business because I am not. I mean don’t get me wrong, as we all know I love the food too,  but I would like more from all of this. I love coming here, eating and spending time together, I think it definitely helps when all of us get together and start sharing ideas. That’s why so many men’s conferences are called stuff like Iron sharpens Iron and such. But what good is it if we don’t do anything with the time that we are together? We can do this time and time again and if we don’t change what we do what can we really expect out of it? Do we use work or what we like to do keep us from stepping up and doing the right thing? Do we use this time like some people use church, they dress up, make sure that they are there on time just to make sure that people saw them. Not really hearing the word but doing everything for the wrong reasons. I can tell you it will take some hard work and determination to start but just think what awesome things we could accomplish!!! Not taking the easy route and doing like everyone else but doing what we are suppose to do, what God wants us to do.  What do you think we could accomplish if a group of God fearing men came together proclaiming the lord and going out in the community and making stuff happen? So I will change it now from what are you doing to what are we doing?

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