Friday, June 1, 2012

Challenge to be Positive!!!

There have been some good points brought up this past week while I have been in church. One is What are Christians suppose to be like? There are so many different opinions on this subject it would be hard to put it in a blog post. I would like to say that as Christians we try to do the right thing and act the right way but do we really? Right after church you can hear people talking and saying I can't believe that happened or did she really say that!! I am guilty of this far too often and if you aren't then comment because you are doing allot better than allot of Christians that I see. This is human nature to criticize but as Christians we need to step back and as a book that I saw, Think before we speak!!! We all do it, as soon as something happens we have to talk about it and 98% of the time it is something bad. It is so normal that we need to start making it a mission for all of us to stop doing it. So what I would like to do is place a challenge to everyone, before you say anything today I want you to think about it first then say something positive instead of negative. Yes some of us have kids so it is a little more challenging but none the less do it!!! Take a few more seconds of your time and instead of fussing or saying something bad even if someone did something to make you mad say something good or encouraging!!! Breathe before you say your first word and think about how what you might say will effect that person or how about this, how it will affect the people around you and that person! So try to go all day without saying anything negative!! So I can tell you if you actually do this after the first hour you will notice a difference of not being negative. If you don't feel a difference did you really say everything positive?  Try it and let me know what you think.

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