Friday, May 18, 2012

What are we doing? (part 1)

I have been thinking quite awhile on what to talk about. So many things that we could get into when it comes to a men’s meeting but one really sticks out to me. What are we doing? I mean, what are we really doing? As men we have so many expectations on us that come from God and ones that have been put on us from man. I’m here to tell you today we put way too much on the expectations put on us from man. We need to get back to the basics and back in the bible.  

Personal Level

How about this, if you were to ask someone you work with right now would they say you were a Christian? What do you think they would say about you and not what you would want them to say but what they would say from actually what you do and act like. Would they be able to say that they have even heard God come out of your mouth? (And the people that know you go to church don’t count.) We need to be telling the people that don’t go to church. Do they even know that you go to church or even know the church name? It is always nice to say we want more people in the church but more people won’t come if they haven’t heard the word or how about this, they don’t want to go to church because of the way you act or talk? We all know what I am talking about; you even think it in your mind. I can’t believe he just said that or man can you believe she just did that. And I’m not even just talking about cussing or carrying on, this also means the way you talk to people and treat them. Do you go above and beyond in your community without being asked?  Do you let work or something you want to do keep you from reading the word, helping a neighbor or praying?  You don’t have to change everything now but you need to look deep into your own lives to make sure you are doing the right thing. I had to battle this with video games, some of us hunt, fish, or even work keeps us from doing what God wants us to do. So I will ask again on a personal level, what are you doing?

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