Friday, April 20, 2012

Why are we like that?

        Lately I have had the pleasure of going to many churches talking about the awesome youth night coming up.  Along the way you hear all kinds of stories, about pastors, leaders and just normal people.  At this point it is about a 50/50 good to bad ration which I found is normal at this point.  What kill me is that yes leaders and pastors should be held at a higher standard but they do not deserve any less forgiveness than anyone else?  When they fail it is out there for everyone to see but we don't treat them the same even though we make the same mistakes.  Are we so naive in our walk with God that they are not worthy of forgiveness? Worthy of a helping hand? Every one will make mistakes so next time a leader does how about we all pray and try to help instead of talking about it and nothing changing.

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