Friday, April 26, 2013

The choice is yours!!

Kids have always been really close to my heart and it really gets to me when they stray. Most of us have been there especially as kids and when I did I really wished I had someone there I could talk to. I see so many kids that have given their heart to God and have fell away because of friends that aren't really friends, parents who don't care or adults that think it isn't soo bad... As Christians we sometimes need to be more than friends, more than parents and more than just your average adults. But this also goes for young adults too!! Young people are so quick to hide what they are doing to adults and people that care because they don't want the confrontation but as friends and Christians do you worry about what that person or people in general think or do you do the right thing? Doing the right thing definitely isn't easy especially when it is someone that you know but no one said it would be. So are you willing to stand up for what you believe in or will you just sit back and watch a fellow Christian fall further away from Christ? The choice is yours!!!

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