Monday, April 22, 2013

Take your joy home!!!

With so many problems and pains in our daily lives, we take them everywhere. To school, to work and to church. The problem is when we have an awesome church service we just leave it there. As soon as we walk out the door all the problems and pains come right back. Instead of talking about the service or how God moved we get right back in the dumps about our problems. How about this we don't let the Holy Spirit even touch us in the service because we can't let go of our problems. What would happen if we would let go of your problems and actually took that same mentality outside of church. Instead of talking about problems talk about what your church did, what happened, how God moved. Take all of the joy that you felt in church to the outside world! Let other people know how God affected your life instead of how the devil gets on you when you walk out the door. If only more people would do this we all would take that awesome feeling of joy home and to everyone that we touch.

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