Friday, April 13, 2012

Will you do it?

Looking from the outside in, everyone is always wanting more. More from this, more from that. But are you really, and I mean really going to take the time to help it go further? Are you willing to go the extra mile when it will be hard because of the learning curve? This is what we need to accomplish in church.  We need to take the people that are just getting started helping and help mold them into a leader in every aspect. It is hard enough for some people to even get up to help and more times that none the new ones are very timid either because one they are just so new to the process, or two they are timid because they dont want anyone mad at them. So are you willing to go the extra mile? Are you really willing to help through the growing pains to help make a leader? If you are I challenge you to start now. There are people that need help and we need to help them become the leaders that God is wanting them to be.

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