Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wow, I can't believe I am going to do this for Lent!!!!

Tis the season for Lent. I hear a lot of people talking about it and saying what they are giving up but do you really know the reason behind it? Lent is a way of fasting of our luxury items as a form of repentance for the wrongdoings that we do on a normal basis. So what are you giving up??? The whole point is to give up something that normally you don't go without. I.e. if you drink lots of sweet tea (this guy) then out of respect I possibly could give that up. But what is the point of giving something up if it doesn’t mean anything to you? Last year my family and I went on a fast of no media for 1 week. Coming out of that week there was definitely a different outlook on things that we didn’t see before. But, as always because it was only a week it wasn't normality for us so we went right back to the daily routine. Most people say you need to do something for a month to make it become a routine so this is a perfect time to make that happen.

So as most of you know I am a very and I mean VERY avid gamer!! So to put that on the spot I am giving up my games i.e... Xbox, 360, ps3, phone, iPod, ds. This is a big leap for me since on most nights I use gaming to wind down before I go to sleep. What I want to come out of this time is to make what we as a family had last year when we fasted a routine and not just something that we do for a week. 

So, think of something that you basically can't live without but really can i.e., TV, video games, music.... now think what time would you have in your day if you took that time and devoted it to reading the Bible, listening to preaching, getting stuff done around the house that has just been sitting there... I know personally and I am very ashamed to admit it that I spend entirely too much time playing games!!! But unfortunately it has become a normal thing for me and I don't want it to any more. So now you know where the title came from!!! Please pray about what God is calling you to give up for lent and don’t take it for granted, you never know where it may lead.