Monday, February 27, 2012

How strong is your faith?

While doing a little listening to the Bible this morning the story of Noah came up. Pretty much a story that most children even know at  this point. What really got me thinking was the faith that it took to make that happen. First, to get a calling to make something that massive to begin with was a tremendous test. While building it you know every day multiple people probably came up to him and made fun, called names, and lots of other things because he was not doing the normal thing. Not only just that Noah was not a young man by any stretch of the imagination, he was 600 when the flood came to the earth.  So when the flood came it rained 40 days and 40 nights, and it took a year and 10 days after it started until he came out of the ark to dry land. Can you even start to imagine not only are you going through rough seas during the flood but to stay on the water that long and not see any dry land? Then to get stuck on something and then to take 40 days to start seeing other mountain tops. Just that in itself would have gotten your hopes up. Just like the pastor was preaching today on trials and triumphs, all the trials that Noah and his family had to endure that you really don't truly see the end result. Just because you are going through the trial God has the plan and it will greatly affect more than just you. Noah brought his family and all the animals on the ark with him and we wouldn't be here today if his faith wasn't strong enough to keep him on the right track. So for all his trials and tribulations that he had to endure during the building of and the flood itself had the triumphs of saving his family and Gods creatures. Wouldn't it be awesome to see all of God's children have enough faith to strive through the trials only to know that there is a plan that we may not see but will have a profound effect on us and the people that we have contact with.

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