Friday, May 31, 2013

The reasons...

I started doing this blog some time ago and it has progressed quite a bit. I love it because it allows me to get specific views out there and not have them tied to anyone else or a church. Everyone tries to be so Christian correct nowadays and it doesn't go with what the Bible says. Grace is awesome but there are so many other aspects of the Bible that people don't know because that is all they hear. This is my way of getting those views out there. Just like the reason that so many people don't like church... they see one thing in church on Sunday and see something totally different on Monday. Or... even... on Sunday after church. Because I am not a pastor of a church I am not held to the must keep people happy that so many pastors I know are. I hold myself to standards and those standards are the Bible!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are you just a member?

Looking at so many churhes nowadays I see so many people that are just members. What I mean by that is they come to church on sundays and that is it. No prayer life, no wednesday night service, no extra help for events. Being a member is more than warming a seat one morning a week. It is about not only actively improving your life but helping the church you belong to reach the unchurched in the world. No you dont have to be at or do everything but how do you expect God to move in you or your churches life if the members are not seeking God or trying to be good disicples? Just a thought....

Friday, May 10, 2013

To see or not to see, that is the question...

So one of the harder things we try to watch out for is what we are watching on TV and movies. This is especially hard when I really want to see Iron man 3 but when I pulled up it in Plugged In I just couldn't do it. When a movie has 10 cuss words and a dozen misuses of Gods name it really annoys me. They could have left all of that out and it wouldn't have changed the movie at all. As Christians we all strive to be Christ like and I personally can't get there listening to that. I mean let's just put it out there... if Jesus was going with you to the movies to see it would it be appropriate? Could you sit down, eat some popcorn and watch it without going.... really they had to get in bed together? What do you think Jesus would say?