Tuesday, February 26, 2013

So much to do

You know working in the church I have found adds so much to your plate but it is worth it. It is hard for all of us to juggle everything that we have going on in our lives especially with children. Trying to find more time to help other churches has got me reevaluating where I spend my time. Do you really spend your days as efficient as possible. You know everyday won't be but all of us can definitely do better. Finding something that you want to do always helps. Tonight for instance I am going to sit down with another pastor and help him get his sound and video up to par so he can execute what vision the Lord has given him.  Helping is something that I have always loved to do so devoting time isn't that hard. I mean really, do we all really have to watch that much TV or stay updated on Facebook or twitter like the world is going to end if we don't see who posted something? So I challenge you to prioritize your day to make it more efficient for the Lord and you never know what you might accomplish!

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