Sunday, March 18, 2012

Who are you?

So while on the paper route this morning I passed one of the many churches on the 40 + miles that I drive.  They have had it on their sign for 2 weeks for a BBQ dinner today and I was suprised at what I saw. When I passed, they were completly set up for the morning. Three vehicles were beside the set up and the men were sitting in the trailor passing the time away. I told them that I was running my route and figured that since they had to get up early to make sure all the food was done on time that the least I could do is give them something to read to help pass the time. They invited me to dinner but of course I told them thanks for the offer but I will be at my church bright and early in the morning. Pretty good start to the night in my opinion.
      After I started back on my route those men got me thinking. They probably got out there late Saturday night, set up, chilled out, got some sleep and are probably about to get up in a bit to start cooking. See too many of us take the stuff that happens around us for granted. They see the experience but not the work to make it happen. I'm sure for that church lots of people will enjoy the food but very little will think about the three men that stayed there all night so they could eat after church.
     With all the stuff that churches want to do to grow ministries and get the word of the Lord to the masses we need people who will stand up for their faith and get their hands dirty. Not to stand around and look at whats happening but to get in the middle of it and get the job done! So what are you going to do? Are you going to stand around and say wow look at what they have done, or are you going to pray and find out what the Lord is calling you to do and go with it? You never know what you might be called to do if you don't pray, listen and try. So next time you are at an event or doing whatever, think about what it took to make all the things you see happen to where all you have to do is go and enjoy.

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