Monday, March 12, 2012

What do you do?

     So just getting done with the book of Judges and just like most of the books there are many reoccurring themes. One very prominent right now is even though all God did for Israel, when they had it good they turned right around and started worshipping fake gods and not obeying his word. But right when it finally got too hard for them they called back to the almighty to save them. Is that what you do, yeah I know that you don't necessarily have a golden calf in your house but I bet you have done exactly what Israel did. Pretty easy to say but are you man enough to admit. So we all have those bad times in our lives where we turn to deep prayer for God's help out of our situation. Things get better, life goes back to normal, so are you still praying like you were? Are you still worshipping like you were when you needed his help for the situation that you were in?
     We need to do better than that!! We need to pray and worship in times of need and times plenty. Not just get what we want then turn right back into the person that we use to be. But to worship and pray when times are hard and times are awesome. So how are you going to change so instead of your way to God going up and down it goes in a straight line for his awesomeness?

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