Thursday, October 27, 2011


The question I would like to pose is do you settle? Do you settle for something you do during the day that takes away from your prayer time? Do you play a video game that takes you away from reading the Bible with your family? Does your job keep you from going to church? We all have settled for something and possible that we are currently settling for everything listed above right now. So why do you settle? Is is because you have fun playing the video game? Watching tv is too easy when it is right before dinner time instead of reading the Bible?  Is is too convinent that you like your job and it would be too hard to find another one? You know it is hard whether we are strong in Christ or not to step out and do what is right when it goes against everything we have been taught or brought up to do. A little verse that always comes to mind when I think about this is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
So after reading this what are you going to change to step out on faith and start on the path that God laid out for you? Have you been putting something off that has been laid on your heart but isn't convinent with your personal life so you put it on the back burner? We all have at some point but now is the time to change all of that, take that which he has laid out for you and just do it!!!!

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