Thursday, July 12, 2012

Will you take the rough road?

I heard a good question this morning. If the going really got rough would you stick it out for the Lord? Seems like an easy question when you first think about it but lets dive a little deeper. Say for instance the world starts going really downhill, and lets say congress starts blaming Christians for what is going wrong with the country. They start taking away our churches, persecuting us for our faith and it goes downhill from there. What happens if it gets so bad that we have to denounce our faith or we face the unthinkable death? So many people actually have to go through that now!!! We take so much for grated because we live in the good ole USA. We have missionaries in countries that have to have secret church meetings just to have church. Most of the time the hardest thing we have to worry about is whether to get up or not to get up or where are you going to eat afterwards. So lets put some of our local problems out there. How about when someone is telling a bad joke or when someone is cheating some time at work. Will you stand up for whats right? Even though you will be looked at differently or even be tormented because we stand up for whats right? No matter how big or small the choice you will have to make about doing the right thing, will you stand up for whats right or will you just go along with the world? Take the easy way out? Act like it doesn't really matter?

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