Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Do you....Really???

After camp meeting last night it got me thinking allot.   Are you taking the bible for what it has in it or are you taking it for all that it is? So many times in our lives and in this world  we make stuff conform to us when we don't like where it is going.  If we don't like where someone goes then we drive ourselves. If we don't like a government official we vote them out, if we don't like a part of the bible we just ignore it or say me and God have it worked out.  I am here to tell you that you need to start taking the bible for what it is. You and God don't have it worked out, it is not OK, and no you are not doing what God has called you to do.  Thomas Jefferson had that same problem, he cut certain parts out of the bible which was Jesus doctrine. I know for most of us that isn't what we are trying to do but in a sense it is.  The bible is meant to be interpreted but for the most part on the way we are suppose to live our lives and for him is relatively clear.  It is not our part to change or say it is OK with God because we prayed about it. Just because we think we are good are we really? Just because we rationalize our problem or the way we think about it doesn't make it right.

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