Sunday, May 20, 2012

What are we doing? (part 3)

Church Level

So we went over the personal and group levels now on to the big one the Church level. I am not talking about our church. I want to go into church in general. I will say that there are lots of churches doing the right things and a lot doing the wrong things. But as a church we also need to get back to basics. We aren’t unified at all on any front and losing the battle in so many ways because we don’t have strong men standing up for what they believe in. For example I can’t tell If someone talks bad about your dad or someone that you love dearly what do you do, you have a 1 on 1 conversation with him because we take it that personally. So why don’t we take it that personally when someone talks about God, Jesus or the bible. We pass it off like oh there’s nothing we can do about it or that is just the way that it is. How about we study and pray more so when someone attacks the bible we can stand up in a Christian manner and show them for one how a man of Christ is suppose to act and that we have the knowledge to let them know what the bible actually said and meant.  See the people of this world want to see us fail as Christians. They want to catch us in that one bad moment especially as men. They are quick to point it out when instead of doing something the Christian way we let our emotions get the best of us and go about it the wrong way. Take the whole Barak Obama thing, as the world sees all the Christians are belly aching about the leadership and what is going on in Washington, but I’m here to tell you if all the Christian men of this world would stop complaining and start praying it wouldn’t matter who is in office because God would be taking care of it.   As men we are suppose to be the backbone, the strong tower, the rock that our families and people around us depend on. What does complaining do, nothing. What does praying do, everything! In Matthew 18 verse 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.  See everyone is just so use to doing everything the same ole way and not willing to step out on faith to take yourself and the people around you to the next level.

To wrap it up, we went through ourselves, a group and the church in general but it DOES start with every one of us. What are you going to do differently to show that you are a man of God. Yes works will not get you into heaven but actions speak louder than words. A lot of times you can talk till you are blue in the face and until someone sees you practicing what you preach a lot of times it doesn’t matter. How can we as men expect to lead people to Jesus if we can’t even convince ourselves that we are doing God’s will? So what are you going to change? Is it your work schedule? Is it your hobby? Or do you just have the time and choose not to dive deeper in the word? Either way how can we expect to have an influence on others if we aren’t where we are supposed to be? So we have been asking what are we doing, to end it how about, what are we going to do.

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