Wednesday, January 11, 2012


      I have allot of time while doing the paper route to listen to the radio. I hear all the commercials about everything from hair loss products to dysfunctions of every shape and size. None of these are bad but we need to hear more about GOD!! He isn't in any commercial, clip or even someone saying his name or anything about him off of the cuff. Don't you find this kinda weird? I mean no commercials for a church, a event that a church group is having or anything christian in nature? What do you think we as Christians in general can be doing to promote what we believe in better? Yes I said promote, if you have a problem with that when is the last time you heard anyone talk about Jesus or church out to just anybody? Have you promoted your church service, youth ministry, or just walked up to a complete stranger and talk about the one who saved you? Who changed your life in ways that you just cant imagine? With all that said are you a walking promotion for your faith?

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