Monday, January 14, 2013

Can you handle the truth?

Sitting up late working on the lesson for Wed. night and I couldn't fit this in so what a better way to get it out there than a blog post. Can you handle the truth? I mean really handle it. If your pastor, mentor, father, mother or coworker really came up to you with all sincerity and told you something how would you take it? Would you do like Jesus? Probably not, you would probably start yelling, storm off or something like that.  There are always going to be things that we need to change and we all know what they are but why is it when someone else brings them up we get so mad?  What we should be doing is being happy that someone would even have the guts to even talk to us about it and embrace that person even more for doing it. Have you ever had that moment where it felt like God just smacked you in the back of the head for not doing what he said or still doing what he told you not to do? He is not scared to tell you when you are doing something wrong so why do we think of it differently when he does it and someone else does? How about this, God told that person to talk to you......... Oops, would you have really said that to him/her if you thought that first? So can you handle the truth or not?

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