Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Faith... is yours Ordinary or Extraordinary?

Getting done with the lesson for tomorrow night and as you might have guessed it is on faith. Going through and writing the lesson has got me thinking allot. So much we ask for what is normal or something man in general can do but we have a God that raised people from the dead, caused the waters to part but for some reason we know that it all happened but we many times don't have the faith for him to help us in our own lives. We say we do but do we really. Stuff goes through our heads... I only have this much money so i cant tithe this week. Now many of us have said that line but we should have the faith not to only believe that we will have the money but that we will have more. Our God is all powerful why do we always put limits on him? So how about this, next time something happens, don't just ask for that, ask for something much more and have the faith that it will happen. If our God can raise the dead why cant he get you a little thing like money? Just a thought...

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