Monday, November 14, 2011

Are you acting like your father?

As Christians we try to do the right thing but more times than we might want the flesh makes our mind up about it. We can not let our flesh get in the way of doing what GOD wants! It is very clear in the bible of what we are and aren't to do.
  If someone is doing something wrong to you do not resist them, just take which they did and do good to them. (Mat 5:39-42) Usually when a problem comes from another Christian we can normally shrug it off but when it comes from an enemy it is a lot harder.
Not only are we suppose to love our enemy, if they are down we help them up. If they need food or water we are not suppose to hesitate but act. (Prov 25:21-22). On top of doing these things we are suppose to pray for them, and I don't mean you just pray about them but pray for them, their families and salvation. 
   As always with a world based response the first thing we want to do is either something against that person or not to help the person.  Instead we need to do all we can to help that person. In Mat 5:45 he says that he send the rain out on the righteous and unrighteous. As Christians when it rains in our lives we have at least one person that we can go to and talk but who do our enemy have? Do you think your enemy would rather go to you if you are acting like Christ or the world. What a better time to talk about the word than with someone who has done you wrong but sees you doing the right thing.
  So I challenge you today, from the smallest of things to the rain that will pour down on each one of our lives which one are you. Are you acting like your father wants you to or does the world have a better grip than you thought it had?
  Does the things that happen in your life provoke a world based response or a GOD based response?

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