Last Sunday Pastor Paul spoke about forgetting your past. Reading today another man of God came up... Joseph. If this man isn't a pure example of letting g God handling it and forgetting your past I would ask you who is. All the wrong that was done to him at a young age but yet in his families time of need God put him in the right place. Now just think, if he was still letting the past get to him he wouldn't be at a place of authority, he probably wouldn't have the chance to help his family at all. How many times have you felt or heard God's call and was like but do you remember what I did God? Do you remember who I was? We are so wrapped up in ourselves because if we would listen he would probably say I do, do you remember when you repented? Do you remember why my son died? We all have done things in our past that we regret but instead of letting them linger in our minds we need to forget. If you think you have a lemon of a life God can make lemonade. Use what you have been through for the glory of God!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Do you have the strength?
Reading a new book it brought up a very good point. In Romans 12:17-19 it says 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” [a] says the Lord. For the flesh in us this is a very hard prospect. Even though we know be will take care of it the man in me says.... I got this. Or, he did what..... I will take care of it. We all try to say we would turn the other cheek but do we? Like Pastor Paul said yesterday, are we really any different than Judas? At least in the end Judas knew what he had done but do you really care or do you just pass it off as it isn't really that big of a deal. As Christians we are suppose to be Christ- like at all times not just on Sunday mornings. So do you have the strength to turn the other cheek when it is hard or are you going to do what everyone else does?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Faith... is yours Ordinary or Extraordinary?
Getting done with the lesson for tomorrow night and as you might have guessed it is on faith. Going through and writing the lesson has got me thinking allot. So much we ask for what is normal or something man in general can do but we have a God that raised people from the dead, caused the waters to part but for some reason we know that it all happened but we many times don't have the faith for him to help us in our own lives. We say we do but do we really. Stuff goes through our heads... I only have this much money so i cant tithe this week. Now many of us have said that line but we should have the faith not to only believe that we will have the money but that we will have more. Our God is all powerful why do we always put limits on him? So how about this, next time something happens, don't just ask for that, ask for something much more and have the faith that it will happen. If our God can raise the dead why cant he get you a little thing like money? Just a thought...