Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wow, that was close!!!

Yesterday morning on the way from taking the kids from school I had a little vehicle incident. A young lady crossed the yellow line accidentally and we hit mirrors. Thank God the only thing that happened was damage to vehicles!!! It could have been allot worse especially since she had a child in the back. I am very thankful also that her and her family are God fearing people that go to church. An that also makes the point to not over react because you really don't know who you are talking to or how close they are to you or your family. You know saying that it could have been allot worse should get you thinking... What would have happened if it was worse. Would you go to heaven? Would people remember you for trying to walk with God or trying to walk in the world? We can look over our lives with a fine tooth comb but the only thing we can change is what we are going to do not what we have done. Some people need a wake up call like this or something allot smaller but the same holds true for both. Are you where you need to be and if not then you have from this point forward to get there. No one says it is going to be easy, no one is saying that you wont make mistakes. But i pray it doesn't take something drastic to change your outlook on your future in Jesus. So start right now!!! don't wait another minuet to change the way you think, talk, react... work for a future of being more like Jesus!!!1

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Settle

Last night I had the gracious opportunity to speak to the adults.  The lesson was on are you going to settle with half way of what God has planned in your life or are you going to go into your promised land. So many times in our lives we settle because either the journey seems too hard, too long or we think, God has provided for me until now so why not just stay here.  We need to put that to the side and start striving for the greatness that God has put in us. All of us have that passion, that deep down burning desire that will keep you up nights and make you skip being with friends to do. We all need that back!!!! God has so much better planned for all of our lives even if we feel like we are favored right now. If you think you are favored, good job, nice cars, nice house just think what God has planned is much greater than that!!! You can't even imagine where you will be in the future if you follow God and let him lead you to YOUR promised land. So I beg you... don't be content with where you are now because you might think it is great but God has much more planned for your life!! So don't settle start striving for greatness!!!