Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are you like everyone else?

So today they announced that the replacement refs are out and the regular NFL refs are now back for tonight's game. So much controversy has surrounded the replacement refs it is unreal. What I find really amazing is how many can be so quick to judge even though they have never been on the field and done the job. They are getting death threats, laughed at and straight up just mocked for a job they are trying to do right. Have you made any off comments when they miss a call? As Christians we are suppose to forgive. This should be even easier saying that haven't done anything directly to us but many of us really into football take it very personally. So where are all the Christians saying to forgive them or just standing up for them. Have you been supporting them or have you been like everyone else and calling them out. Just because we understand what we are suppose to do doesn't mean that we do it. Many times we act way too quickly in life instead of thinking first. This has been brought to the forefront because of the refs but how about how you react to your kids, people in church or work. So instead of doing like everyone else and jumping on the band wagon so to speak, go against the grain!!! We are suppose to be Christ-like so..... could people say that of you?

Monday, September 17, 2012

The outside....

After watching my wife go over the lesson that she is going to do for the women's meeting it made me think if something. As people and Christians we are so quick to put up a fake outer appearance towards everyday people and even more to our fellow church people. We don't want them to know the personal struggles, family struggles or just let them in at all. This hurts the new people coming to church most of all. A newcomer to church would view that as I am trying to do the right thing but these people are perfect. How can I live up to their standards?  You know it is OK to fall, stumble or have a hard time because in the end we know God will take care of it!!! If we don't show that we believe that how can we expect new people to?  We need to show that GOD'S GOT THIS!!!!  And not to just say it but to truly believe it with all of our heart.